SINGLE REVIEW: Alpine Loop - "Universal Donor"


Alpine Loop brings a harder, shreddier edge to pop-punk with “Universal Donor”

Written by JD Walker

Pop-punk is a genre that’s certainly more popular than ever, but that doesn't mean that there isn’t any room for creativity or exploration. In their latest single, “Universal Donor”, the band saw a transformation in the genre-defining sounds that are typically associated with pop-punk and created a sound that’s truly their own. Between a heavier grit in the tone to some shred-tastic riffage, “Universal Donor” is without a doubt a banger. 

The song begins with a more chilled out melody before vocalist and rhythm guitarist Travis Casper drops in with a catchy vocal line that’s reminiscent of modern pop-punk infused hip hop. The song combines a number of layers in the background while staying true to the sound of the trio. The verse, driven heavily by drummer Logan Casper (whose brother fronts the band), leads perfectly into the chorus that’s capped by an insanely catchy guitar riff in the background and flows well into an insane solo from lead guitarist Max Scholes. Scholes’ shredding definitely is reminiscent of guitar gods such as Jason Richardson and John Petrucci but never once feels out of place. Scholes’ playing during this section was extremely tasteful but still catches the listener off in a very good way. 

On the surface it may seem as if “Universal Donor” plays like a standard pop-punk song, but that assumption couldn’t be further from the truth. Alpine Loop has a very chunky sound that’s frankly pretty heavy for the guitar sound that’s to be expected of the genre. This is capped by Scholes’ solo that’s typically reserved for progressive metal but works seamlessly within the framework of the song. The vocal layering near the end of the song adds a level of depth that entrances the listener and leaves plenty to be discovered with multiple listens. 

Alpine Loop is an act that will surprise the average pop-punk fan in a very good way. In a genre that’s widely explored with thousands of bands rocking out, they truly set themselves apart and have found their sound. Alpine Loop very clearly means business when it comes to writing bangers, and “Universal Donor” goes to show that they have plenty left to offer to a crowd that will undoubtedly be hungry for more. The trio has a bright future ahead of them and with “Universal Donor”, they’re well on their way.


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