SINGLE REVIEW: Trick Sensor - "On My Own"

on my own lyric video.png

Trick Sensor channel the classic pop-punk sound in a modern delivery with “On My Own”

Written by JD Walker

Have you ever heard a song that sounds instantly familiar at first listen? Songs that have this effect are either a direct imitation of huge bands with hit songs, or tunes that took the building blocks from those massive artists of yesteryear and made something that’s unique and truly their own. Trick Sensor are without a doubt the latter, and their new single “On My Own” proves that point. The song is in some ways reminiscent of classic pop-punk acts such as blink-182 and Sum 41, but Trick Sensor have done a masterful job of creating their own one-of-a-kind approach to the widely explored genre while staying true to their influences. 

“On My Own” starts with the treble driven-bass of Terence Tam before kicking into the melodic intro and first verse. Daylan Gonsalves pulls double duty and provides the backing rhythm guitar while also holding down lead vocals with additional lead guitar work from Bryce Smith of Rival Town, as well as added leads from fellow Rival Town member Mike Julian who also aided in post production. Drummer Thiago Manfro drives the song with high energy and up-tempo playing that locks in with Tam and Gonsalves perfectly. Gonsalves’ vocals are reminiscent of pop-punk titans such as Matt Skiba or Tom DeLonge with plenty of layered harmonies added that bring depth to the vocal track.

The overall composition of “On My Own” is remarkably solid, ebbing and flowing between energetic choruses and more restrained sections where the vocal harmonies and rhythmic cadence really shine. “On My Own” has the element of instant familiarity and repeatability, and coming in at just under 3 minutes it doesn’t become tiresome to the listener anytime soon. Trick Sensor did a great job in selecting a song structure, following a more straight-forward approach that makes the tune easily accessible and prime for binge listening. On top of the solid song, the lyric video is a work of art in and of itself - the video has a beautiful color selection of blue, teal, magenta, and purple, and depicts a mountain scene with a cherry blossom enveloped in an aurora. 

“On My Own” is a song that’s easy to listen to and appeals to an audience that’s millions strong. Trick Sensor nailed the execution of this song on all fronts and played to the crowd that misses the likes of classic blink-182 and Sum 41 while not falling into the trap of writing a direct copy of their songs - they pay homage to the greats that built the genre but took a modern and unique approach to pop-punk in their single. Trick Sensor have something special going for them between the nostalgic sound, excellent production value, and songwriting ability that meets (if not exceeds) the industry standard. Like DogeCoin, Trick Sensor is going to the moon.


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