SINGLE REVIEW: Her Name Echoes - "Gravity"


Her Name Echoes unleash alt-rock anthem in “Gravity”

Written by JD Walker

Her Name Echoes have been on an absolute tear lately - coming off of their certified banger of a single “Save Me”, the hard rock quartet have produced another catchy, infectious single in “Gravity” accompanied by an immaculate music video. The Arizona band are certainly on a roll with their latest offerings and show no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

The song opens with an ethereal mixture of electronic and virtual instruments with Joseph Demirjian’s smooth vocal delivery. Just as the listener is lulled into a trance, the song unleashes a massive chorus packed with vocal hooks and driving guitar chugs. This song in particular blends elements of hard rock, electronica, and hip hop authentically and effortlessly. The production value of the single is top notch and the songwriting is on par with many stadium acts. “Gravity” follows a traditional, yet hard-hitting song structure up until the vicious breakdown which was augmented by a distinctive growling synthesizer. The group included a drop-in back into the chorus on an upbeat which is a subtle way to reel the listener back in after the monstrous collection of breakdowns.

The video for “Gravity” really was something else and only made the song that much more of an enjoyable experience for the listener. The sign depicts Demirjian strapped to a bed and receiving injections in what seemed to be an electronic dystopia full of augmented reality visions. The band pop in and out of the video through glitching screens and miniature projections before coming to life during the final section of the song. The instrumental trio of Billy Shank (guitar), Peter Cortes (bass), and Ryan Kemmer (drums) stood lifeless in suspended animation for a majority of the video before roaring with life and playing with a vengeance once joined by Demirjian. 

“Gravity” has the makings of an instant classic within the alt-rock and modern metal circles. Between the accessible yet unique song structure, top notch audio quality, and a video that is on par with multi-thousand dollar productions, there’s no reason why “Gravity” shouldn’t be seen and heard by millions. Her Name Echoes have been an impressive act to follow as of late and this is just the beginning of a potentially illustrious career for them.


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