SONG REVIEW: Trying Times - "Tidal Wave"

Trying Times showcase what modern hard rock/metal should sound like in 2022 with “Tidal Wave”

by Jesse Smith

I’m gonna just say it, cut straight to the point. Trying Times is everything I wanted for rock/metal music in 2022, there I said it. I haven’t heard of these guys until now and when I looked them up it looks like this is the first single back after either a regrouping of the band or a rebranding of sound, whatever it is I am here to stay for it. At first I’m not going to lie, I was skeptical in the beginning. By the end of this song, I already saved tidal waves to my liked songs playlist, gym playlist, and best up and coming songs list of 2022 so far. Having a band that rides the line between 2 generic and oversaturated and come out unique is a gold mind and they are releasing at literally the perfect time for this sound. 

Setting the tone for the song, the intro is very ear catching. Showcasing both styles of vocals early, it established early interest, almost showing your hand early and proving your vocalist is good. #1 way to kill a song is to have a bad vocalist, vocalist Ajay Marshall and Guitarist/Screams Benji Burrill are really, really good. A super high energy, bouncy instrumental intro comes after that soundscape wise has a lot of layers to it and is interesting and easy to bang your head to. Here is where I almost lost hope, the song cuts. After the high energy intro it takes a turn and has a very ambient synth verse. The vocals are still very good and emotional so I am still in. after the slow build up transition it takes us to the chorus which sounds HUGE. Hard hitting from the start, a text book 10/10 hard rock chorus slams you in the face and made me think “how is this band not on the radio right now”. Coming out of the chorus, Benji hits you with a little more of his screams only accenting as they take about 40% off the top and brings you to a slow yet full instrumental chorus. Looking back on it, the synth ambient initial verse was perfectly placed. All of a sudden, it’s like they switch to 7 strings because a completely different band finishes this verse. Dropping the hammer, they deliver a knockout 10 second heavy rhythmic djent breakdown. This is the first time the screams have taken the floor and it floored me. After the second chorus, I am ready to flip tables because we take a hard left turn into Moshville and Benji procedures deliver the best vocal performance I have heard since the new Architects album. This is one of those rare moments where you feel you found the next biggest band in the scene really early in their career.

In conclusion, I am shocked Octane hasn’t eaten this band up. Trying Times, if Tidal Wave is the musical direction you are going to go for and you have 5 more of this quality songs, You’re about to give the top headliners a run for their money. This is so marketable and tightly written that it appeals to both crowds. Tidal wave is what every metalcore kid wants their local hard rock radio station to play, and with how solid of a song this is, there is no reason why it shouldn’t. 


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