SONG REVIEW: Deadmouth - "Monster"


Deadmouth unleash nasty riffs and brutal breakdowns in “Monster”

Written by JD Walker

As the old adage goes, musical trends are cyclical. While it’s argued that trends in the musical industry undergo 20 and 30 year cycles, the sound of modern metalcore adds credence to this theory. The aesthetic and sonic landscape of 90’s nu metal have made a triumphant and resurgent return to the forefront of heavy music, and none embody this sound more accurately than Deadmouth. In their latest single “Monster”, the Texas quartet combine ferocious chugs with the songwriting approach of classic nu metal for an absolute ripper of a song. 

“Monster” sets the tone of the song early on with an impossibly low tuned introduction and an infectiously bouncy beat from the rhythm section. As the song progresses, the guitars open up and let the song breathe a bit more through the dynamic use of harmonics and strategically placed palm mutes before picking right back up where they left off. Throughout the song, the ebb and flow of melody and insane heaviness makes for a tune that never compromises on energy and will keep the circle pit spinning. 

Songs in which their selling point are absolute, balls-to-the-wall heaviness run the risk of getting tiresome or grating to the ears of listeners, but not “Monster”. Deadmouth’s songwriting approach to the single keeps the tune short, entertaining, and highly addictive. Frontman Matt Fourman’s groovy approach to vocal phrasing matches the aural assault produced by guitarist Nico Cespedes and bassist Jose Escudero, and drummer Austin Matherne found the perfect mix between flashy fills and dynamic, driving grooves.

Deadmouth brand themselves as “NuCore”, and the genre is extremely fitting given the sound. The band aims to push the boundaries of the modern sound of metal, metalcore, and djent, combining the ever popular extended range guitar sound with bouncy grooves and massive breakdowns. The Austin, Texas 4-piece are four singles deep into their new project and have started out with a bang. At this pace, there’s no telling just how insane their career might be.

Deadmouth is a brand new, refreshing, and energetic addition to the metal community. Their ability to leverage disgusting riffs with dynamically orchestrated melodies and infectious grooves prove that they will become a force to be reckoned with in the not so distant future. The group are hell bent on bringing the energy and never compromising, and it seems that songs like “Monster” are just the start for them. 


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