SONG REVIEW: Darro - "Runs On Guilt"

Darro Runs on Guilt v5.3.png

Darro return with another infectious groove in “Runs on Guilt”

Written by JD Walker

If a band named Darro sounds familiar, that's because they are. Only two months ago, the group fronted by Darro Chea released “Signing Out” on Ghost Killer Entertainment and are already back with another chilled out groove fest in “Runs on Guilt”. The new single employs many of the same elements that made “Signing Out” such a great song, but utilizes a darker and more somber tone without sacrificing the feel and upbeat aspects of the instrumentation. 

“Runs on Guilt” begins with an almost bluesy sounding guitar intro before dropping into the first groove. As the verse begins, the bass guitar becomes the driving factor of the song (as is the case with many groove-based songs). The chorus of the song employs an infectious vocal hook with a smooth guitar melody without becoming too overbearing or over-the-top. As the song progresses, Darro rides the line between a chill vibe and high energy alternative rock jam masterfully. 

On top of the easily palatable vocals and instrumental, the accompanying video of “Runs on Guilt” is both metaphorical and a bit hilarious (in a great way). The video bounces between performance shots and the lead vocalist’s woes while pursuing a relationship with... a zombie. Yes, an actual zombie. If you’ve ever wondered what a prospective love affair with the undead may look like, Darro has you covered. Some antics include a difference in food preferences and alcoholic (or hemoglobin) beverages in a story that looks straight out of the show Santa Clarita Diet. 

Darro has hit the nail on the head yet again in “Runs on Guilt” and returned with another groovy, entertaining musical and video experience. The group continues to deliver on the auditory and visual departments, with the songwriting and production (provided by the legendary Kris Crummett) being top notch as always and the music video being entertaining, engaging, and just the right amount of silly. The formula seems to be working wonders as well as their previous single “Signing Out” charted on iTunes Rock Singles. Overall, Darro are an impressive group that write catchy melodies and massive grooves. They know how to market their music and have a sound that appeals to just about every music fan out there. There’s no telling just how far Darro can go, though it seems the band is already on their way there.


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