SINGLE REVIEW: The Sight of Impact - "Unrealistic"


The Sight of Impact crushes breakdowns while battling a futuristic war in “Unrealistic”

Written by JD Walker

Accessibility and insanely heavy songwriting aren't always mutually exclusive and The Sight of Impact have easily driven that point home. In their latest single, “Unrealistic”, the band combine crushing breakdowns, chugging riffs, and catchy vocal lines for a song that flows immaculately for being as heavy as it is. To top it off, the music video supporting the single is an incredibly engaging and intense depiction of a post-apocalyptic warzone that is bound to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

“Unrealistic” slams the listener from the very moment the track begins with downtuned chugs reminiscent of something that might be heard on a Doom soundtrack. Just as the listener is done having their necks broken from the excessive headbanging, vocalist Moises Lopez enters with smooth clean vocals that lead perfectly into the verse. What this band clearly does very well is juxtapose catchy hooks with balls-to-the-wall djent riffs, and guitarists UJ Martinez and Andrew Vela never once found themselves out of place within the composition. Just as the song transitions from the Linkin Park-esque chorus, the song kicks into a vicious breakdown that showcases both Lopez’s vocal versatility as well as the tightness of bassist Aaron Cruz and drummer Hector Peralez. 

The music video for “Unrealistic” really brought the song to another plane of existence in terms of quality and engageability. The video depicts the band caught in a futuristic hellscape of battle, fighting for their lives while running across a battlefield sporting rifles, pistols, and tactical gear. The video adds to the Doom-inspired elements of the musical composition and looks like a scene straight out of the game. Through effective use of a green screen and excellent post production, the story told in the video is just as compelling as the song itself. 

“Unrealistic” does a lot of things right - everything right, in fact. Not only is it a 10/10 song with impeccable composition, but the video does exactly what a good music video should do and creates an atmosphere that both amplifies the song and engages the audience. The Sight of Impact are a force to be reckoned with - they possess the rare trifecta of being able to effectively compose, play their parts well, and create excellent visual content. If the band continues to make bangers like “Unrealistic”, there’s no limit as to the impact that The Sight of Impact will make on the metal scene.


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