SONG REVIEW: Darro - "Signing Out"


Darro embodies the groovy side of alternative music with “Signing Out”

Written by JD Walker

There’s something to be said about a musician that has “feel”. Feel can be described a million different ways depending on who is asked and in many respects it’s an intangible element to music. It’s hard to quantify exactly what makes for great feel in a song, but you just kind of know when you hear it. Darro has those intangibles at work for them in “Signing Out”, bringing a more chilled-out vibe to alternative music that’s easy to groove to and enjoy.

“Signing Out” starts out almost like a Red Hot Chili Peppers song, employing smooth guitar arpeggios with a funky bass line. The funk influence becomes much more apparent as the chorus kicks in with the Brooklyn-based power trio masterfully riding the downbeat without sacrificing the energy and drive of the song. Each member of the song had a unique flavor to add, though the clear standout on the track was the chief architect of the project, Darro Chea. Chea’s easily digestible vocal delivery are complimented heavily by his tasteful guitarwork, and he does a wonderful job of embellishing his prominent vocals with a soulful lead guitar work (which is remarkably hard to do while pulling off lead vocals).

Darro isn’t a one-trick pony either, as the rhythm section was masterfully executed. What really keeps the listener coming back for more is the incredibly tight rhythm work between the bass and drums - the bass sat exactly where it should in the mix without getting buried and bridged the drums and guitar wonderfully. The drums on “Signing Out” were beautifully written and complimented the song without getting too busy. Overall, “Signing Out” is a testament to how a chill-out song should be written - relaxing on the surface, but with enough layering and subtle technicality to keep the musicians in the crowd intrigued and excited. 

Darro Chea is an incredibly talented musician with enough songwriting chops to firmly cement his place on the charts and capture the hearts and minds of music lovers worldwide. What’s even more incredible is the amount of turmoil he’s overcome to create this music - at age 24, he developed a brain tumor that required intense surgery and rehabilitation. Chea didn’t let the seemingly terminal sentence slow him down, as he launched his music career shortly thereafter and hasn’t looked back. 

“Signing Out” is an incredibly written and performed song through and through. Between the instrumentation, vocals, and the ebbing and flowing tension that’s built and release throughout the song, “Signing Out” has something for absolutely everyone and never fails to keep the listener engaged and grooving right along.


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