SONG REVIEW: Nova Fracture - "Disconnected (Cut The Wire)"

Nova Fracture makes you stay connected with new song “Disconnected”

by Jesse Smith

Seattle, known for stealing LA’s thunder in the music world. No really, Seattle really became the hotspot for alt rock in the 90’s with the birth of grunge. But Seattle also had a pretty sick underground scene, and that scene birthed Metalcore outfit Nova Fracture. After having a pretty busy first year as a band, post release of “Stranded Souls”, the band added it’s new heater to the roster, Disconnected. Giving a new twist on a familiar sound, Nova Fracture has really stepped it up in their newest single. 

With being influenced by bands like Fit For A King and Underoath, they have a very old school “metalcore boom” era feeling in the way they arrange the songs and writing style made by the band. We kick off fast and furious with a well placed opening one liner that really sets the tone for the song. Immediately you catch the vibe on what the premise of this song lyrically is going to be. The very new real issue of people being addicted to social media and letting it really pin you on a side politically, so much so that ignorance can often lead to un-needed arguments and loss of friends. As we move through the song, the chorus really stands out above all else. A steady and effective vocal pattern making it very easy to sing along to. Getting into the song a little more, after a long awaited build up, Nova Fracture decides to sway from the traditional slow and beat downish breakdowns and insteads keeps the energy on 11 and the tempo up. This is a perfect set up for the final chorus that will take it home. Ending the song, I believe is the best riff of the song and I really wish it was played more! Coming to an abrupt ending, you leave wanting more! 

They really remind me of an early Stick To Your Guns. Adding in a lot of the fast paced, more hardcore side of metalcore while touching on key issues. Racking up over 10k views in less than a week on youtube, It is no reason why people are starting to take notice. Real recognizes real and Nova Fracture has kept it 100, and we appreciate that. I am excited to see the future of this band, and It is definitely bright. 


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