BAND INTERVIEW: "Oceans Above Us"

As we are always in pursuit to find new awesome up and coming talent, and recently we’ve come across Oceans Above Us from Salt Lake City, Utah. Taking a familiar sound and adding some sugar, spice, and everything nice, the band has an original punchy and driving sound. The band is still in it’s baby stage with only 2 singles released so far, but the mystery of what the band has in store definitely plays to our curiosity, so we got to ask them a few questions!

Hey guys! So first off, for those who have never heard you before, who are you and where are you from?

We are from Salt Lake City, Utah.

How did you guys meet? What made you all decide to be all in on this project?

We've all either been in bands with each other and or toured together and I had this idea to create a super band so we just went into the studio and started cranking out songs and in the process found a missing piece of ourselves.

You guys have two singles out right now “Burn Alive” and “Hopeless Ties”, who did you guys work with for the recording/producing of those tracks?

Khaymen Bassett. He's incredible! He's also the drummer for both my other project Echo Muse and Living In Fiction. He is not only a good friend of ours but is easily the best producer I've ever worked with. Chances are if I'm thinking of where I want a song to go next he's already 10 steps ahead of me. 

Is there anyone in mind that you guys want to work with in the future? A dream producer to work with or even a really cool feature on a track?

I can't speak for everyone but growing up my biggest inspiration has been Nirvana so Dave Grohl would be incredible. I think Caleb Shomo would be sick too! I'd love to do an album with him! 

A strong local support is super important for up and coming bands, has your local scene taken to you guys?

Well I think because everyone knows us from different bands our fans are super eager to hear what this project has in store for them! We have so many different musical backgrounds, creating an original sound, which I think plays a hand in why we have such a dedicated fan base. 

When writing, who/what influences your songwriting and the direction of the band?

A lot of time it starts with myself (JT). When I get started on a song I don't stop until it's done or have it all mapped out. I then bring the others in and we just bust it out. I find it easy because we're all on such a similar wavelength we don't have any power struggles or many differences in writing styles or at least not enough to clash. When we all get into a room together it just feels like pure magic. 

Now for some fun questions, Which member is most likely to be late for rehearsal?

Oh Shanden our drummer, absolutely. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason hahaha. 

What is your go to post show meal? (we all have one)

Look being a musician means you're professionally poor hahaha. McDonald's is our poison of choice. On a good day I would say Betos. 

If you could open for any band in the world, who would it be?

I think we all have different views on that. I think Jeremy would choose Crown The Empire. My top picks would be Foo Fighters and Beartooth. Shanden I'm sure would say Slipknot. Andrew would probably tell you Wage War and Bradley is just kind of a mystery to be honest. 

Thank you for your time guys! Lastly, are there any new releases coming up? Or anything you want to plug? 

We have soooo much more coming out including a new EP "To Whom It May Concern" we also have a couple covers in the works so follow us on Spotify and don't miss out on these new releases!

As I mentioned in the beginning, Oceans Above Us is a fairly new project and has kept a mysterious social media presence so sky's the limit for them. One of the most exciting parts I think for a band is when you are finding your identity, and even though right now Oceans Above Us have a pretty solid understanding of who they want to be, time will show who they turn out to be. If the music keeps speaking how it’s been for them, you’ll definitely be hearing about them more and more. 


BAND INTERVIEW: "Designer Disguise"
