Interviewed / Written by Jesse Smith

Everyone wants something different until different is in their face. Well let me tell you, Dead Bundy is a different breed and I’m 100% here for it! Hailing from Ohio, Dead Bundy is a mix of Sum 41 and The Lonely Island, but like, in the best ways possible. Mixing really solidly written pop punk tracks with off the wall frat boy lyrics, they are too good not to take seriously. Gaining a bit of traction, they have signed to InVogue Records and have consistently put out bangers. Recently putting out their single “Drunk For The Summer” with a music video that really captures everything this band is. Having a pretty lengthy catalog, Dead Bundy is a truly busy band, but we got to ask them a few questions! Here’s how that went…. 

Q: First off I have been dying to ask this, how did this band start? You guys are so unique and to be honest the satire is hilarious but in the funniness, you guys are really good. How did you guys sit down and pick this direction?

A: We met in high school and kept spinning our tires until Zac Efron was putting out a movie about Ted Bundy and then it all made sense. There weren’t any formal board meetings or sober discussions but a lot of studio time went by and here we are. 

Q: Have you guys ran into any trouble with people not liking your music and what you’re saying? I can totally see some people not getting the satire. 

A: For sure, they’re out there, but none of it’s satire…for the record. Every song has a story behind it. Personally, we don’t understand how others don’t want to listen to songs about squirting, selling our moms on OnlyFans, and watch videos of us hooking up with sex dolls but whatever man. To each their own!

Q: For the people who do understand the satire, how has the response been with the last 2 albums? 

A: Like living in a movie. All we wanted when this started was to make each other laugh in the studio and can’t believe there’s even others out there that share the mindset.

Q: You guys started working with InVogue Records last year for your latest releases, when they came on board, did they try to change the band? Or did they let you have free reign. 

A: Don’t tell them, but yes. We were buttoned up, Christian gentlemen who hadn’t touched the sauce and then they came along and saw a different vision. They made us get all these fucking tattoos and butt chug a beer at our signing. Now I can’t shake this perpetual hangover. It’s a tough job but someone’s gotta do it!

Q: You guys are really good, play some pretty packed shows and are now signed and consistently putting out content… Do you have people who still don’t take you seriously? Do you have any kind words for them? 

A: Yes there are still haters and to them we say: come on our live stream one of these days and we will absolutely crush you in a butt chug, SERIOUSLY. Unless you like that shit, then you’re a pervert. 

Q: Are there any future producers that you want to work with? Who have you been going to in the past? 

A: We’ve been with Evan McKeever out of Cleveland. Tough finding new producers that are accommodating to our writing style, though. Once someone comes along that is also willing to record pantsless then we’ll entertain it. We have a very particular process. 

Q: Ok now time for some of the fun questions, what is your go to drink to start the party? 

A: Rick requires Squirt, Jordan bathes in Hot dog water, and Brian likes Bud Light. 

Q: Opposite of the last question, what alcohol can you NOT have? And why? We need the story. 

A: Mike’s hard. Or at least Rick can’t have anymore. He challenged himself to kill the case one night in a hot tub and then fell asleep in the uber on the way to the bar. When we got there we just left them there because he blacked out and wasn’t moving but the party doesn’t stop - but we took his phone and wallet and keys to make sure they were in good hands. When we came back he was gone and found out the next day he walked 11 miles back home in the cold with no coat on. This is ACTUALLY a true story lol so yeah, no more Mike’s, we’re gonna pass for him. 

Q: What is the best 2am drunk food? What’s your go to. 

A: McGangBang (McChicken + McDouble + special sauce (wink))

Q: If you guys could throw a house show banger, what other 3 bands would you add?

A: Andrew WK, Attila, and whoever wrote “The Macarena (aiy)” 

Q: Thanks so much for talking guys! Is there anything you want to plug? Anything new coming up? 

A: Yes, thank you for asking. We are going to duet anyone that shotguns a beer on our tik tok to “Drunk for the Summer”. Remember, we have become conditioned to this and no one is safe. 

If we are going to be honest with each other, I love this band. I think they should be an essential part of your party playlist if you’re into pop punk. They are unapologetically unique and are a grade A party band, and they do it very well. Their music is super solid and sounds exactly like the mid 2000’s pop punk and they nail it. I can’t see why anyone would hate this band unless they are a Karen or a strict christian mom. Dead Bundy is the embodiment of fun and not giving a fuck, and that in it self is super pop punk. If you want to turn up the party, stop the played out sing along classics and put on “Drunk For The Summer” and really get the party going. 


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