Detroit is home to some of Metalcore’s powerhouse acts such as I See Stars and We Came As Romans. It is also home to rising metalcore outfit In Our Wake.  Wasting no time, In Our Wake has recently released a new single “Save You” Which is overflowing with fast paced guitar riffs and sweet melodies. It’s not just the single that is coming in hot and new in 2023, The band has also gone through a lineup change. Leading into this new era of the band, us here at GKE got a chance to ask them a few questions! 

What’s up guys and Happy New Year! Thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions! First off, how are you guys? How was your 2022?

Happy New Year to you too! We’re doing pretty good! 2022 was a great year for us but mostly all behind the scenes. We’ve been hard at work writing a bunch of new material and we have been working on getting some booking done for 2023. 

You guys waste no time and are taking 2023 by the horns! 4 days into the new year and you released a new track “Save You”, how has the response been?

Yes! The response has been great so far! Everyone’s had nice things to say about the song and being the first thing we’ve put out since April of last year it’s nice to see some of our old fans haven’t forgotten about us while we were pretty much inactive. 

The band recently went through a lineup change, am I right? Who are the new guys and how did you guys meet?

Yes we did, it was tough to find the right people but we are so excited about the new lineup. The story is actually pretty funny, Steven was actually my neighbor, he saw me carrying in my guitar one day and he asked me about music. We jammed later that night until like 2am that Friday and he showed up for the music video shoot on Sunday. The rest is history with him. Cody and Alex came separate times, steven recruited both members, he went to high school with Alex and Steven actually responded to an ad Cody put out like a year later and we got sooooo lucky lol. Stevie, Chris and I have been jamming together since 2015 in a different band and we all still love making music together. 

The band has been releasing music since 2019, but with the new line up it feels like this is a fresh new era for the group! What can your fans expect as far as new music and direction of the band?

That’s a great question and definitely something I want to address to the fans. Save you and the next single set to come out will be the last songs released with me as the lead vocalist. Steven originally joined as a bass player but his vocal ability is insane and there’s nobody better for the lead spot. Plus I’m originally a guitar player so this gives me a chance to get back to my roots and I don’t have to worry as much about singing and playing complicated riffs at the same time. So that’s nice. As far as the sound and direction it is definitely going to be a bit heavier but still a metal core band and we will still have all the same elements. Instrumentally the band is the same sound but Stevens vocals help us sound way more modern than what our sound has been. I would compare his screams to wage war or counterparts but instrumentally I’d compare us to killswitch or as I lay dying. 

“Save You” is the newest release you guys have and it slaps! Where did you guys record that single? Did you record the unreleased new music with them too?

Thank you so much!! We recorded it with Nick Reitman of Wayside Studios! I’ve been friends with Nick for a long time and as we’ve gotten better as musicians he just gets better and better as a producer. He’s local and he goes the extra mile to help us achieve the best sound we can. Our new album we actually did pre production and demos at my place and Nick will still be producing, mixing and mastering the final product which we are beyond excited to start showing everyone. We have A LOT we’ve been up to. 

It’s 2023, a new year, what is in store for the band? Do you guys have any shows or tours coming up that you can tell us?!

2023 is going to be a great year I think! We have several shows lined up! We are going to be playing January 20th at New Dodge Lounge in Hamtramck, February 18th at The Sanctuary in Hamtramck, March 4th at The Loving Touch in Ferndale, and March 25th at Odd Fellow Concert Lounge in Wyandotte. We have more in store for later in the year that haven’t been announced yet but 2023 is looking pretty good so far so we’re fortunate! 

Now for some fun questions, let's start with this. Who in the band is ‘Band Dad’ and who in the band is the wild one? 

We’ll our guitarist Chris is definitely the wild one haha! But I think I’m the band dad lol. 

Do you guys have any pre-show rituals?

For me and Steven, mostly vocal warm ups and a lot of water. Other than that, nothing too crazy. I think we all like to have a drink or two to get loosened up a bit before going on but that’s about it. 

If you could open up for any band, who would it be?

Picking just one is almost impossible, but if it were up to me either As I Lay Dying or Bullet For My Valentine I’ve been fans of both since I started playing guitar when I was 14. 

That’s about it guys! Thank you for your time again, is there anything you want to plug or tell your fans?

We just want to thank everyone who’s supported us so far, we can’t express enough how much it really means to us. And we appreciate those who stuck around and continued to support especially when times were tough during the pandemic and we are excited to welcome any and all new friends and fans that want to join the In Our Wake family. And we want to thank Ghost Killer Entertainment for posting our video and this great interview. We love you all, cheers to an amazing 2023! 

2023 is set to be a pivotal year for the guys in In Our Wake. Keeping the spirit of early metalcore alive, when the riffs were fast and in your face! Knowing that in just 2 releases we’re going to hear the evolution of the band makes me curious on what they have in store. I hate waiting but I love surprises… This should be interesting and I’m here for it!


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