SONG REVIEW: Dark Moon Lilith - "Eclipse"

“Raw art that speaks to the darkside of your soul” 

by Jesse Smith

The Goth subculture and genre started in the UK in the 1980’s but the beautiful dark side of life has been written about and depicted in art for centuries. Dark Moon Lilith is a musical project that focuses on getting in touch with the dark side of life and embracing the power it can bring. This duo creates music that forces you to get in touch with the darkness within you and within the world. The band’s first release was back in 2017 and since then their topic has been dark and spiritual. Also leaning into topics like Occultism and how it is woven into the human condition. Their most recent single is titled “Eclipse” and I was enchanted as soon as I heard it. 

Eclipse has a visceral and raw vibe that speaks directly to the dark side of your soul. The first 15 seconds you think it’s just going to be a darker indie rock song but as soon as the vocals kick in, it transforms into something much more interesting. Tara James is one half of this project and is also the lead vocals, and her raw vocal performance is immediately the focal point. Almost trance-like, it draws your attention in perfectly that you have no choice but to focus in and keep listening. The melancholy overtones are unsettling but in a unique way. The music itself is haunting, it keeps the vibe alive and is the perfect background for Tara’s vocal display. What really got me was that the intro and outro feel to be picked up and lean more into the rock category. The dichotomy between the upbeat parts and the overall tone is something that was super interesting and was something I really enjoyed. 

“Eclipse” makes you feel, which is what all good art should do. Being so raw and gloomy, Dark Moon Lilith has a way to capture attention and connect with your soul. Everyone has a spiritual side of them and dark art like this tends to touch the spiritual side of you that you keep locked away in everyday life. This song feels like walking through a graveyard on a rainy day and to me that is glorious! I highly recommend giving “Eclipse” a listen and to really get intouch with the darkside of yourself. There is so much beauty in darkness that everyone should appreciate.


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