SONG REVIEW: Dakota Ave - "Bury The Hatchet"

Dakota Ave brings out the best in Metalcore with their song, Bury The Hatchet!

by Brandon Maynard

Do you know what I love about metalcore? I love just how versatile it is. There are so many different sub-genres of metalcore and with metalcore being on the rise I feel like it’s a perfect time to drop new music. And that’s what Dakota Ave did with their new single, Bury The Hatchet featuring the mighty Jeremy “JT” Tollas of the band, Famous Last Words.

When I first hit play I got hit with An amazing intro that hyped me up. I knew this intro was going to lead into something good and let me tell you it did. As soon as the instrumentals hit I was hooked. It was heavy and very bouncy and just gave me that metalcore bliss I crave. After that great intro you’re met with the chorus and the vocals which honestly I wasn’t expecting to be so high pitched but I got to say I loved it, it complimented the song very well.As the song goes on you're met with the verses with heavy instrumentals and great screams. This song honestly took my for a ride with a great intro, heaviness, great vocals, big break down, and as an added bonus you have Jeremy Tollas in there. 

Hailing out of Albuquerque, NM hard hitting metalcore band, Dakota Ave was founded in 2017 hiting  the scene hard and making waves in the metalcore community. The band has found a way to perfectly blend heavy instrumentals, electronic elements, and emotional lyrics which gives them their unique sound that has us easily falling in love with them. 

To summarize Dakota ave’s new single, Bury The Hatchet is testament to how good metalcore can be. I would highly recommend this song to anyone honestly. This song is easily gonna become a daily play for me and I’m excited to see just how many times I can hit the reply button.


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