SONG REVIEW: Aurora Falls - "Liar Liar"

“Aurora Falls brings back early 2010’s vibes with new track Liar Liar” 

by Jesse Smith

There is something magical about the earlier days of Metalcore. I’m talking about the 2010’s metalcore that had the swoopy hair monster tee’s. There was something about that era that, even though some of the golden oldies had less than desirable lyrics in 2023 standards, the raw emotion in the lyrics were poetic on its own. Fast forward to 2023 and there are bands bringing back the spirit of that era and truly embodying the culture from back then! One of these bands is a fresh act that has members split between California (of course) and Indiana (why?) and they are called Aurora Falls. Hell, even the name alone screams vans and hair straighteners. This project is in the early stages with only two single releases so far, one in 2022 and Their newest release titled “Liar Liar”. Filled with brutally raw vocal performances and emotion filled lyrics, they have all the right ingredients for a proper metalcore track. 

After starting with a filtered intro, the music kicks in and you can immediately feel the vibe. As the riff plays it is straightforward and groovy and as you go along its transition into the 1st verse is seamless and almost unnoticeable. One thing we see too much of now is what I call the “roller coaster” layout where the song starts hot and then dies almost instantly to rebuild it’s verse which, while cool, it’s getting old. Aurora Falls takes the reins and jumps right into this first verse still going hot and to me it keeps the energy high and alive. Towards the end of the first verse there is the signature metalcore tightly synced guitar/double bass pattern that brings the brutality. While this section is a sweet little change up, the lead guitar playing over the heavier rhythm is setting up the clean vocals to sweep us away. The chorus is very reminiscent of Plagues era The Devil Wears Prada which is a sound I thought was lost forever. As we reach the end of the song It wouldn’t be a proper metalcore track if there wasn’t some sort of a breakdown would it? Well you’re right and in luck! As the song progresses near the end, Aurora Falls tightens up even more and this time it’s even more straightforward. No leads, no weird timed patterns, just something to throw down too. The attack of the guitars really stand out through the whole song, the tone used for this is super hot and responsive giving that early 2010’s feel that a vast majority of underground bands had which was a nice blast from the past. 

Overall, Aurora Falls is only 2 tracks in and is finding their identity more and more with every release. Liar Liar is a step up from their first single and I anticipate this band to get more dialed in with every release. Fans of GKE seem to like it on our YouTube channel and I stand with them! Definitely a track to give a spin if you are in a throwback mood but want something you may have never heard before.


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