SONG REVIEW: 1996Montana - "The Reason Feat. Kellin Quinn"


1996Montana brings a dark approach to pop rock with the help of Kellin Quinn in “The Reason”

Written by JD Walker

While the modern trend of bedroom producers and songwriters writing, performing, and producing their own music has focused on instrumental chops, vocals can without a doubt make or break the effectiveness of a song. When a song is driven by top-tier vocals, it can truly be a magical experience for the listener. That’s what makes 1996Montana’s single “The Reason” such a well written and performed song - the vocals truly shine, and for multiple reasons. 

“The Reason” begins with a soft, moody guitar intro enveloped in delay and reverb before Montana’s truly beautiful vocals kick in. His song features a straight ahead song structure that allows for the lead instrument, his voice, to truly shine. The vocals on “The Reason” feature selectively picked melodies and a delivery style that’s reminiscent of some modern pop and indie artists, though has a tinge of old school emo vibes mixed in for good measure. The instrumental of the track is nothing to sleep on either, as the delayed guitar adds a sense of space and atmosphere to the track while the bass and drums sit back in the mix and let the melody shine. 

Where “The Reason” really gets interesting is when the featured vocalist comes in - that vocalist is none other than Kellin Quinn of the massively successful Sleeping With Sirens. While Quinn is known for his soaring lead vocals, his approach to “The Reason” was much more somber and mellow. Quinn took lead vocals on the back half of the song before he and Montana began to harmonize. Their voices together culminated in aural perfection, as their voices seem to be made for one another. 

In addition to the gorgeous tune, “The Reason” is accented by a music video that augments the dark undertones and synthwave nature of the song. Filled with hues of royal blue, red, and the two vocalists enveloped in the shadows surrounding them, the video proves to be an emotional exclamation point to the already heart-wrenching song. Considering the lyrical content of heartbreak and toxic relationships, the somber moods are all too fitting for the song. 

“The Reason” is a perfectly executed song, no questions asked. Between the dreary yet atmospheric instrumental, the fitting music video, and the dynamic between Montana and Quinn, there’s just isn’t a weak point to this song. The vocal hooks remain catchy throughout the tune and compel the listener to not only listen repeatedly, but to listen deeper and with more intent. 1996Montana hit it out of the park with “The Reason” and has the propensity to make a huge splash in whichever genres he wishes to pursue.


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