SONG REVIEW: Painted Young - "O.M.G."


Painted Young unleash catchy hooks with subtle technicality in “OMG”

Written by JD Walker

“Instant familiarity” seems like a descriptor that could be taken a number of different ways, but when a band has that element going for them and leverages it to their advantage it can be the formula for a hit single. On the surface Painted Young’s “OMG” may sound like a straight forward alternative rock song with the element of instant familiarity, though with an in-depth listen it’s apparent that there’s a bit more going on than that. The band augment a simple song structure with excellent musicianship in a clinic on what it means to write a great song - good hooks and even better playing.

“OMG” begins with the main vocal hook of the song’s chorus, belted out by vocalist and guitarist Chris Santos. The song quickly drops into a pop-punk driven verse that’s accented by an atmospheric electronic synthesizer suite and advanced rhythmic prowess from bassist Ray McGirr and drummer Bailey Hand. The chorus of “OMG” hits like a ton of bricks with Santos’ introductory hook making a reintroduction, this time supported by the rest of the instrumentation. A bridge that plays more like a buildup leads into an open, “grand finale” chorus that’s layered with rests and high energy crescendos. 

“OMG” follows a standard rock song structure, rarely deviating from the formula but presenting the individual sections of the song in such a well composed and executed manner that the song never feels stale or uninteresting. Hand was a standout on the track, displaying masterful phrasing throughout the song and especially the grooves during the verse. McGirr’s bass tone sat perfectly in the mix and kept the song anchored from the very beginning, and Santos’ guitarwork gave the listener plenty to digest while his smooth delivery on vocals made the song an instant hit.

It really sounds like Painted Young know what they’re doing in the world of songwriting - there’s a very good reason why the biggest songs of all time spanning nearly every genre follow the same structure that they’re utilizing, and the skillful musicianship displayed across the board are a testament to the years of hard work and practice that the band have put in leading up to this song. Painted Young are an incredibly talented trio with the entire world at their fingertips and between their writing style and highly skilled delivery, there’s no reason why they can’t make it to the top. 


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