SONG REVIEW: Facing Allodox - "Good Life"

Facing Allodox’s “Good Life” is what sunshine would sound like if it was an alternative rock band”

by Jesse Smith

If you liked the 2006 teen movie alternative rock/pop punk theme songs I have the song for you! Facing Allodox is a relatively new alternative rock band from New Mexico. Having only emerged on the scene in 2021 with their EP “Time To Relax”, Which is ironic because they are doing the exact opposite and not relaxing at all. Only 2 months into 2022 and we have 2 new songs from them, and “Good Life” being the newest and in my opinion the most catchy. It’s the exact right amount of catchy and classic to not catch your attention and to uplifting to not make you smile.

You can’t have a song that starts with “I was walking down the street, I was walking to the beat” without it being the most uplifting song you hear today. Coming out the gate with the chorus riff (spoiler) vocal less creates that upbeat and energetic vibe that they maintain through the whole song. The first 2 verses have the same walkable tempo and bounciness that when I was listening to it, I immediately daydreamed I was out walking around a park on the nicest spring day and everything in life was as good as in the movies I watched as a kid. Having the palm muted rhythm guitars just chugging away was such a vibe. The main thing that stands out to me is the vocals and more specifically the vocal pattern choice. Lyrical gymnastics, not quite rapping but speeding it up making the melody really stand out behind the consistent quarter notes the rhythm guitar was playing. Right before the catchiest chorus of the day, they added the simple “here we go’’s with the dj scratches and let me tell you, if you weren’t all in on this song by this point, that did it. Later in the song, guitarist Duane Hoskie gives a solo and the thing I loved was how raw it sounded, how the band sounds. For the first time in a while I heard a band play their instruments and It gave a very authentic feel which made me appreciate them more as a band. Coming up with a catchy hook but then being good enough to actually write and play a solid catchy uplifting song is a step forward. 

I know I write alot about nostalgia, but seriously this song gave me flash back emotions from when life was way better. Good Life is a great title because the song really makes you feel good, like life is good. An alternative musical high that last 2:50. I have always wanted and wondered why bands weren’t adapting the early 2000 alternative pop rock songs that were HUGE and revamp them. I am so glad someone did and I can’t wait to see what this can evolve into.  


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